Forewarned is forearmed!

How to protect your body from the virus?
What to use in treatment to get sick minimally?
What are the tests to take after Covid?
How to warn a long long-ovid?
How to effectively recover after illness?

Answers to all questions regarding the support of the body before/during/after the illness in the Anti-Covid 3.0 protocol.

The program will also help to recover after Covid!

Protocols are developed taking into account the recommendations of my American colleagues, functional medicine and reliable modern research!

The program has five effective protocols:

1. Covid prevention protocol. Nutrient administration schemes + dosage + links to drugs.
2. Protocol of early treatment during Covid. Nutrient administration scheme + dosage + links to drugs.
3. The recovery protocol after Covid. Nutrient taking scheme + dosage + links to drugs.
4. The post-vaccination protocol, from Covid-19. Suitable for all vaccines.
5. Protocol with a strong inflammatory answer, complication after vaccination.

And also a bonus:

1. Blood indicators to control complications, the need to hospitalize.
2. Post-covid fatigue. Check-up tests for checking the body after Covid.

Recommendations on drugs and dosages are suitable for all adult family members!

What will you get:

Five effective protocols — five additives
My recommendations for treatment and restoration — what to take, what to drink, what to pay attention to
Nuances of admission, how and when to take every diet
Links to specific additive options
New. Work options for additives that can be bought!
Analyzes for monitoring complications of Covid disease
Check-up after Covid, to check the body and exclude complications